Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ringing in 2011!

So while I am in the blogging mood I'm going to keep going and post some pictures from this month (Jan 2011). We rang in the new year by going to my Dads house in Lehi with my step siblings and Sophies cousins. Abby and Ashley were there too so it was a party! We went to their church house and played some basketball with everyone. Yes, even me. You know you're bad when Abby kept saying to me, "Jaim are you SURE you want to play? I just didnt think you would want to..." I DID play in city league back in the day, how bad could I be?

Sophie and Beckam having some fun playing with some toys! They are all so cute together! Beckam and Kazeden think Sophie's bows are pretty fun to try to grab off her head and it scares her to death. They are both all over the place and she mostly just sits there watching them!
This picture was taken a little before Christmas of these three. Beckam on the left is the oldest and then Sophie and then Kazeden (who is the biggest one!) They are all about a month apart from each other though. They are all so adorable.

Tyler's Mom (Susan) also came to visit last week and stayed with us for a few days. It was fun having her here over Martin Luther King Day because Tyler was off work and his brothers were off school and were down from Logan. We got to go to lunch and the movie "Country Strong", while Todd and Kimiko watched Soph. We played games with all of them until 1 30 in the morning! It was a really good weekend. We didnt really get any pictures, but Susan did make this cute hat for Sophie! Its so cute!

January is also Tyler's birthday. He turned 28 on Friday!! Yes I did marry an older man. ;) For his birthday he wanted to go to Chilis for lunch, come home and take a nap, and relax the whole night. His favorite dinner he wanted me to make is Chicken Divan. It turned out to be such a good day. Our nap worked out perfectly with Sophie's and we slept for two hours. It was a relaxing romantical night. I love that he just wanted to stay home with us. I kept asking him "are you sure you dont want me to invite some people to dinner or we could go out without Soph..." He just loves being home with his girls! He is a homebody.

Then on Saturday we went to the Canyons snowboarding. We havent been boarding in over two years because I was pregnant last year and couldn't go. It is the best feeling to be outside flying down the mountain! I wish it wasnt SO expensive to go or we would probably go more, but its fun to do a few times a year.

This picture is priceless. I had to go to a relief society meeting and left Sophie home with Tyler. Right before I left I made tacos and when I got home an hour later Tyler had barely eaten. Sophie had this reallly gross blow out all the way up her back and Tyler took this picture of it. He had to give her a bath and wash all the poopy stuff. I love her face in it though like she knows she did something wrong but she didnt mean to.

And last, but DEFINITELY not least for January... We got a new car!! We sold my beloved Jetta to someone off KSL and got a new 2011 black Rav. We love it! The guy that sold it to us takes pictures of all his sales with their new car and he took this one of us. I will admit I was sad to see that Jetta drive out of our garage for the last time though. I had alot of good memories in there and have had it for almost 8 years! If it didnt only have three doors I might have considered keeping it for longer but getting that backseat with a carseat was the biggest pain!


The Davis Family said...

Um, you mean to say she is terrified of the boys pulling her pretties off her head. Poor girl has no choice but too just take it. Also have Beckam take EVERY toy she has. Sorry. I try to contain that kid..but sometimes there is no containing.
I love all the new posts, feel the same about my blog. I need to be better about documenting things esp bout Beckam. So im going to be better. :)

The Nannie Family said...

Looks like you have been busy. It's great being with family. Sounds like Tyler had a great B-day. We have a 2004 Jetta and enjoy it. Glad you like your new vehicle.

Jenna said...

I'm glad your back jaim! Good job on all the updates. 1st of all you look really cute in that last picture. 2nd of all- I am also kind of sad your jetta is gone. It does remind me of good times. Guess you're finally moving on!

the Virgins said...
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the Virgins said...

Yay for an update!! haha I have been checking your blog daily :) Your little Sophie is the cutest little thing ever!! I need to see her again in real life. First- That picture of her blowout is so funny! I hate having to clean those up..your lucky you were gone! lol. Second-I am jealous you got to go snowboarding. I Love to go but never do! and 3rd- I love your new car! like Jenna look way cute in that last picture, I love your beanie! :)

That was a long comment haha lets plan something next week! love ya

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Awesome blogging! Glad you are catching up! It's fun to see pictures of all of you and your fun times!

Love you lots!

Brittany and Everett said...

Jaimee no worries with apparently not blogging for a while, I have not been doing the best at it for a while as well including reading others. But it looks like you guys are having a good time as a little family and had a fun Christmas! That is so sweet that Tyler wanted to stay home for his birthday, kinda sounds like Everett.
I love the pics of all you sisters in the snow and how all you have pink incorporated in your coat -so Allen!!!
luvs, can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Skye said...

love the updates!! Sophie is to cute!looks like you have been busy having to much fun to blog!

Kaeli & Kyle said...

ha ha i love sophies grin! so cheesy cute! and the blow out pic.. haha!! my mom has that car and loves it, im jealous. sad to see the jetta go tho:( and i love love love the boppy you gave me! its a life saver for tired midnight feedings :)

Cierra said...

oh my gosh! sophie is so big and even cuter! (if that was possible) i can't believe she grew that fast! i still thought she was a newborn and then BAM! :) i love those cheeks and her big, pretty eyes.

p.s. glad to hear i have company on the "baby hair train." it's rough, but somebody's gotta do it, right?