Saturday, October 11, 2008

A night with Abby

My little sister Abby, who is the nicest little girl you will ever meet, came up to stay with my dad last weekend for a few days and we got lucky enough to have her stay with us for a night. It was a night I know we will never forget! Tyler went to priesthood when she got here so me and my sister AShley took Abby to Chuckey Cheese. We were the luckiest people in their because we hit the jackpot three times! It actually got a little embarrassing because me and AShley were also so exited and all the little kids around us were sad we had a million tickets and they didnt.

After we got home and Tyler got back we took her out to the hot tub and played "volleyball" which is pretty much just hitting the ball back and forth with her. Then we said well should we just watch and movie now its kinda late? and she said no and all she wanted to do was PLAY. So we played and played until two thirty in the morning. We played Yaahtzee, Scene it, Guitar Hero, Sardines, Hide and Seek in the dark, and every other game you can think of. Tyler was such a good sport because we were both tired and kind of wanted to relax but he made it so much fun for her. He even offered her his spot in the bed so she could sleep with me!


Jenna said...

that's funny sounds like a par-tay! abby's so cute!

Kaeli & Kyle said...

YAY new posts! haha Jaim, you and Tyler are so cute. What a nice hubby to volunteer his spot in the bed!!!! No wonder Abby loves him so much!
and quick question, call me outdated but . . . . Step sister? Did your dad get re-married?