I was pretty surprised at how many songs I actually knew, which was probably from my when my brother went through his gangster rapper stage. You'd never guess so many gangsters could come from Rexburg Idaho but looks like they can!
After the concert we had to make a stop at Yogurtland. Which is just like pink berry but you put as many toppings as you LIKE! Which in my terms means smother the thing. It was a good weekend and nice to have some free time from work!
You should have taken pictures of the people around you. I am sure that made the tickets worth it. I think I only know one snoop song, ya know THE one, "snoop doggy dog" song. (I don't know what it's called). Did you get that email saying he converted? FUNNY!
So have you seen anyone from the Hills yet, Jaimee?
My brother just moved to Seattle and ran into Whitney at a bar. I guess she was visiting. My brother had no idea who she was and just said people were following her everywhere. He said that at one time he asked her why they were following her. I guess they talked for awhile.
Look who you can meet hanging in a bar!
We go to George Michael, you go to Snoop. Same thing right? By the way wasn't Bach. crazy last night?
Hey! So fun. I'm jealous! Your hair is getting long! It looks really cute! Can't wait to see you guys. Luv ya!
I'm hoping for Jason...for the same reason but I have to say Jesse comes off much better than before. We'll have to chat after the finale...or maybe we should have a party at our place.
I can't believe you went to a Snoop Dogg concert, haha, I don't know why but I think its really funny. You were probably one of the only little white girls there.
I know I love the 4th of July but it makes me wish I was in Rexburg! I dont know what we are going to do yet, Justin doesn't have to work though so that is good! What about you guys? I wish we were close enough to the beach you lucky dogs!!
I know I can't believe Deanna kept Jesse I was shocked! I felt way bad for Jeremy he was devastated! I want Jason to win for sure..I think he is cute with her. Did you watch the men tell all? They were like rude to her!I wanted to punch that ryan kid in the face haha and Graham is just hot! :)
Anyways...that is funny that you went to a Snoog Dogg concert because I went to it too in high school lol it was SO crazy! You look so cute!
So did he sing his hit "Sensual Seduction" that is listed on the poster you are holding? haha too funny! You guys are my new hero of the week for going to see Snoop.
and yes, it has been a VERY rough life living between HB and Hawaii. :) We plan on staying here until Alfredo graduates, which is next April. But normally we go home in December for Christmas vacation. But if you came in the beginning of December, we will still be here! That would be A BLAST!
I thought it would be between Jason and Jeremy. I think she did to Jeremy what Brad did to her. I felt really bad for him. I like Jess but I just don't think they mesh to well as a couple.
Aunt Kathy
Cache was jealous that you went to Snoop Dogg ha. You guys look like you're having so much fun though. I love my puppy and it's such a good time to have her because i can potty train her not in MY house ha. She is a lot of work but she's totally worth it! Get one!! She won't get very big at all which is nice :)
Hey that is so fun you went to that! I bet it was good, and you did say 311 was there right? I think i have the shirt you have on in gray haha. Your hair looks cute, I cut mine when i was pregnant and now i wish i hadn't.
so...what do you do to get all hardcore while going through a gangsta rap phase in Rexburg, Idaho?...go cow tipping while sippin' on "Gin and Juice" with my mind on my money and my money on my mind. Looked like a cool concert. foshizzle my nizzle, peace out. (my attempt at gangsta)
Fun Jaimee, looks like you had fun with your sis! You look so cute!!
You guys are pretty brave. I think I might have been to nervous to go. Glad you had fun.
Aunt Kathy
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