Also in September, it was our friend Mark's wedding. He has been our friend from college and he is also Tyler's brother Justin's friend so Justin and Mega and their daughter Mia came to Utah from Texas for the wedding. We were excited to see them! One night we went to Olive Garden and there was a really long wait. It was a really nice night though so were just waiting outside talking, and Mia and Sophie started marching around in a big circle (Sophie copying Mia) then grandpa started in and they were all marching around. It was pretty funny. I wish more of Sophie's cousins lived closer cause she loves to play with kids!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Also in September, it was our friend Mark's wedding. He has been our friend from college and he is also Tyler's brother Justin's friend so Justin and Mega and their daughter Mia came to Utah from Texas for the wedding. We were excited to see them! One night we went to Olive Garden and there was a really long wait. It was a really nice night though so were just waiting outside talking, and Mia and Sophie started marching around in a big circle (Sophie copying Mia) then grandpa started in and they were all marching around. It was pretty funny. I wish more of Sophie's cousins lived closer cause she loves to play with kids!

After he was born we couldn't get enough of him. Sophie even was always saying "Coopa Coopa". On his blessing day, in the middle of his blessing, Sophie was really worried where he went and she was saying "Where's Coop?!" Cooper is the cutest little boy ever and we love having a new nephew!

A few weeks after Ashley had Cooper, Josh got to come to Idaho for a visit (it had been WAY too long!) and he even brought his wife and kids with him. We hadn't seen him in so long, but Emily and Abby hadn't seen him for 4 years! 4 years since we had all been together. So, of course we had to get family pictures. Some of them turned out okay, but I love this one so much with me and my cute siblings! Its wierd how out family goes brown blonde brown blonde brown, hu?

Another one of my favorite things we did was go camping and floating the river at Warm River. We reserved a spot and camped out all night. That night I was lucky enough to have Henry and Olivia both fall asleep on my lap! I love them so much. Isn't it weird how much you love nieces and nephews?! Even if you don't ever get to see them! I love those kids.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Lovin Summer!
A few months ago there was a groupon deal for cheap Seven Peaks passes... My friend Jenna lives right by it and had been trying to get me to buy one for a while, so I caved in and tried to talk a few more people into too! It has been pretty fun to have, especially when there are people there that can take turns watching Sophie so I can slide it up too! A few weeks ago we went with my dad and his wife and a few of their kids, and AShley, and Abby. Ashley as you can tell is pregnant and couldnt go on rides but she sure is a tan little prego girl! I love that picture of them both touching their chubby bellys!

We have been lucky to have Abby in Utah alot this summer! She would seriously stand on her head for an hour to get Sophie to laugh. The night Abby rode the shuttle to Utah, me and Sophie went to pick her up late because Tyler had softball games. Sophie was so tired and I was worried she was going to be really cranky, it was like 9 pm. After about five minutes of Abby being in the car in the backseat with her, she had Sophie laughing and laughing so hard. They are little buddys and I think next to me and Tyler, Abby is one of the people that loves Sophie the very most! Sophie loves her "Abbum."
Monday, July 11, 2011
My favorite stage!
A few of her favorite things right now are balloons, any and all animals, Toy Story, Yo Gabba Gabba, swimming, babies, and books.
Jenna's little girl Charlotte is a few months older than Sophie and she is hilarious! She had this life jacket on and was making the funniest faces. I dont think she could figure out why all the sudden she was so top heavy and kept falling over. She is such a good girl though, she didnt even complain once!
Sunday night my sister was driving through town and noticed that people had already put their chairs out for the parade so we figured, why shouldnt we? Me, my mom, and Abby (everyone else was too busy playing Call of Duty!) went and put our chairs on main street at midnight and came the next morning to find out perfect reserved spot still waiting for us! It worked out so good. Sophie loved the horses and the little girls dancing the most. She actually was really paying attention to everything almost the whole time. It was so cute.
That afternoon we had a picnic at the Sugar park with my moms whole family. We set up to play water kickball which turned out really fun! The kids- including Tyler, all loved it. It was also fun for Sophie because they had swings and lots of little cousins that like to play with her!
This barely ever happens but I love when Sophie will just relax and fall asleep on me. Lately she has been cuddling with us alot more though and we are loving it! I think this was after church one day, I know my hair looks a little crazy but I just think she looks sooo sweet in this. Its times like these that I wish would last forever!
Tylers brother, Todd has been staying with us this summer because he is working with Tyler. Some reason Sophie is fascinated with his bedroom (our guest room). If the door is ever left open she walks in there and tries to look around or get on his bed. One day I was doing laundry and looked down the hall and she had found these shoes of his and was trying to put them on and walk around in them. She has an obsession with shoes and gets really concentrated trying to get them on. She will try to put her own shoes on her babies or dog. It looks so funny that she will laugh when I make her dog walk with her shoes on!
Last but not least, the grossest thing with her yet happened the other day! So we went to the pool in the morning and we came home and she was really tired so I put her in bed with just a diaper on. When I went in about an hour into her nap to check on her she had somehow taken her diaper off, but I still thought it looked pretty cute with her little bum up in the air. Well when I heard her awake I went into get her and she was standing there with what looked like light clay rubbing it all over the bed. Then I looked at her blankets and bedding and their were little poo balls all over them. It was sooo gross! It was even smudged all over her face and in her fingernails. I was screaming. I basically put everything straight in the wash and put her straight in the tub. About ten minutes after she was all clean and dressed again I was sitting by her on the couch and noticed a smear of poo still on her face. I was trying not to be grossed out by her but it was all just too much to handle!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Cabin fever!
For the past five or six months since I quit working part time I have LOVED it, but I will admit that January and a little bit of February are giving me some cabin fever! I just want the sun to come out so me and Sophie can go on walks and go out to the pool every single day!! I really cannot wait. But since we have been cooped up inside I have had to lean on my friends and some family to keep me sane!
Me and Sophie met up with my friend Brittany and her little boy Desmond. He was so funny and cute with her. He loves kisses and could not get enough of her! Sophie is pretty funny with little boys. At church she likes to find them and smile at them sitting around us. If any walk out to the bathroom or something she stares at them and smiles. Its so cute, but a little scary! I think we are going to have our hands full.
Michelle and her little boy were so cute playing this boxing game. He was hilarious to watch play the Kinect. He was trying to play this racing one and he was just standing there and jumping up and down and waving his arms. He is so cute!
My poor little Soph has gotten a little cold and a cough mixed with teething off and on in the past week. The cough never seems very bad during the day but in the night its hard to hear her up coughing and not be able to do anything about it. It seems like its never going to go away! I have been trying not to take her out in the cold very much and I have been putting Baby Vicks Vaporub on her before she goes to bed but I dont think it really helps with her nose at all. This picture she looks a little bit sad and sick feeling.. :(
Here is a picture of all her teeth! She is nine months old and is growing in her 7th tooth! She has so many they are so cute. She has four on top and in the process of three on bottom. Its pretty funny though she can eat like saltine crackers and just hold them and bite them right off with her teeth.
Grandma Moore gave her this cute purple little lamb dress. She looks so cute in it I had to take a picture of her before church yesterday! It is SO hard to stay the whole three hours at church with her. Actually it is almost impossible because her nap time is at 10, and our church is at nine. Unfortunately she has passed the stage of falling asleep in her carseat at all. I dont know how people do it with a bunch of little kids! Right after sacrament is over she starts going crazy because she wants to be in bed. We usually end up trading off on who takes her home and who stays for the other two hours because if not one of us just sits in the hall fighting her. Yesterday was Tyler's day to bring her home and when I got home I found these two on our bed asleep watching Baby Einsteins. She almost NEVER falls asleep with us because she likes to be in her crib but apparently she was realllly tired and couldnt fight it.
Her little face looks so round and chunky in this pic. I love this! There is nothing Tyler loves more than cuddling with Soph. This weekend Sophie was so attached to Tyler for some reason. I think she just misses him so much during the week while hes gone. It's hard because he gets home at almost 7 and Sophie goes to bed at 8-8:30 usually so he only sees her for an hour in the evenings. She loves when he gets home, when she hears the garage opening she stares at the door to see if he's coming in. Its kind of sad but I can't really say the word "dada"during the day with her here because she gets excited and thinks he's home and then is let down. At church yesterday she wouldnt even sit with me! She would cry if I tried to take her from him, and when I was sitting in the hall with her he came out and she started screaming when he walked away! Normally I would've felt bad about it for myself, but I just thought it was cute. And its kinda nice to have a break. More and more I have started realizing why people would say its hard to have kids! I look around now and think how do they this with twins?! Or how do they have 4 kids under 4?! Being a Mom is really rewarding but also takes alot of patience!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I miss my bro!

I loved riding with him to school in the mornings. He has the worst road rage and in high school was super mean to people that got in our way. People that dont know him probably think this sounds really mean but since it was him it was so funny to watch how mad he got. My favorite year was the year we got to drop Ashley off at the Junior High. Ashley was always in the back seat with us and some reason he loved to pick on her on the way to school! Some mornings when we were rushed my mom would make us nutrimeal shakes to take with us and on our way to school Josh slammed on his brakes and Ashleys went flying all over her outfit. She wanted to go home but Josh wouldnt so we dropped her off at school with chocolate all over her outfit! Poor ASh had some bad experiences in that old white neon.
These are his cute kids! Olivia and Henry. She is a few years older than him but he weighs the same since she is the tiniest cutest little girl ever! I wish they could play with Sophie and she could get to know her first two cousins!
No one else better move away from me! It seems like so many of my friends and family members are leaving and I just want everyone to stay here!!