Sunday, August 9, 2009

MExico and My bday!

In July, we got to go to Mexico with my Dad and his wife and her kids, and my sisters. It was so much fun! This summer has been so busy but we are glad we got to go on a relaxing trip and spend time with friends and family!

There was so much stuff to do there! One of my favorite parts was the banana tube pulled behind the boat. I am such a baby on things like this but it ended up being one of my favorite things we did.

Me and AShla

Tyler was the only one that could talk Spanish to these little Mexican kids selling things. This cute little girl and her brother and sisters kept coming by us so we gave them so money. They loved that Tyler could talk to them! Later on we saw them again buying dinner with the money we gave them. Its sad to see how poor people are there!

There was also a huge open dirt/sand area for fourwheeling. The only problem was it was 100 degrees and we were all wearing helmets. We put a cooler of drinks and the car right in the middle so we had to keep making pit stops to cool off. The guys found a place with a bunch of jumps and stayed at pretty much for two straight hours. Tyler was lovin it!

I love the beach so much! Some reason this trip though alot of us got stung by jelly fish, including me! It didnt hurt as bad as I had thought it would but it scared me to death. My step sister Courtney got stung really bad though and the stinger was stuck in her finger. We almost had to take her to the hospital in Mexico but then they scrubbed it out.

Here is us with the newest member of the fam. Shawn! We love him. Tyler, Tony, Shawn and my dad had fun golfing at our resort. The golf course was right outside our back door.

Here we are just playin at the pool. There were a couple pools at our resort and not enough people to fill them. We pretty much always had the pool to ourselves.

Right before the trip was my birthday! I am now 23. When I got home from work (yes I had to work :( ) Tyler had decorated our whole apartment including the door going in. Then we went to my favorite restaurant the cheesecake factory!! I really dont think we have ever eaten so much. We were really sick afterwards. We could barely walk out to our car. Since eating is one of my favorite things to do it turned out to be a really good birthday!

1 comment:

The Nannie Family said...

That trip looked like great fun. Ahhh, Mexico. It's nice that Tyler could talk to the people.
What a nice husband to decorate the apt like that for your birthday.