It was my cute little sister Ashley's wedding on Friday. Up until we walked into the temple everything was super hectic and stressful and then everything ended up perfect. Between Shawn and Ashley locking their keys in their car on the morning of the wedding, and Ashley forgetting to buy a wedding ring for Shawn, the day was anything but boring!! We were also worried that it was going to rain, but the weather ended up great for pictures because it wasnt too sunny and it didn't rain at all! She looked soooo pretty.

They got married in the Salt Lake temple and then the dinner/ reception was at the Lion House right on temple square. Her colors were light blue and red and they turned out really cute! I loved her colors.

Me and Tyler on our way over to the lion house. He ended up being one of Shawn's groomsmen. They have become such good friends and have really similar personalities, so it will be so fun living by them (they moved in just a couple miles away from us) and being close with them. Tyler is also glad to finally have another guy in the family. We really love Shawn! He is so good for Ash.

All the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Me and my sisters and my aunt Lori and AShleys friend Callie were the bridesmaids, and then Shawn's brother, two brother in laws, and Tyler were the groomsmen. Shawns family was really friendly and nice. The two families really hit it off!

The whole gang!

Me and my sisters Emily and Abby, and my Aunt Lori who is pretty much like our fourth sister

She had one of the best photographers do her pictures. They turned out gorgeous. They are kind of hard to see in these pictures, but I will try to post some later when we have her cd. They tried to do them like Pearl Harbor, and they were at a train station. The one in the gold frame looked just like a model picture!

Overall, the night turned out perfect. I cant believe my little sister is actually married! I am so excited for them though and I'm so glad she is so happy.

One wedding down, one more to go this week!